Ao número de cadáveres
Que fertilizam
Os solos áridos
De uma longínqua terra inóspita.
Vítimas da sede dos que gozam “vitória”
A gargalhadas, bubbles e charutos.
A esses últimos
Meu mais profundo desprezo.
Mas que é um zero
Se não mais que um algarismo nulo?
Assim contabilizam
Os milhares de esqueletos humanos
Esquecidos pelo mundo
Que gritam
Clamam, aos prantos
Por ajuda
Mas sendo cegos, mudos e surdos
Não os vemos, escutamos ou quiçá percebemos.
Guerreiros de uma luta infinita,
De uma guerra injusta e sem causa
Cuja melodia de vida não é mais que um estrondoso arsenal bélico
Fabricado pelas grandes indústrias
Que se alimentam
Do vermelho gritante de sangue humano.
Abastecendo seus cofres,
Inflando seus egos
E dando-lhes poder.
Desgraçado poder
Que destrói raças,
Culturas e vidas.
Mas que mantém o padrão
De luxo e excessos em seu mais alto nível.
Another zero is added
To the number of corpses
That fertilize
The arid soil
From a remote inhospitable land.
Victims of the headquarters of those who enjoy "victory"
Among laughter, bubbles and cigars.
For them
My deepest contempt.
But what is a zero
If no more than a empty digit?
Thousands of human skeletons
Forgotten by the world
Crying out in tears
For help.
But being blind, deaf and dumb
We do not see them, hear or perhaps realize.
Warriors of endless struggle,
Of an unjust war and without cause
Whose melody of life is nothing but a huge military arsenal
Made by major industries
That feed themselves
With human blood.
Fueling their coffers,
Inflating their egos
And giving them power.
Stupid power!
That destroys races
Cultures and lives.
But keeps the standard
Of luxury and excesses in its highest level.
Another zero is added
To the number of corpses
That fertilize
The arid soil
From a remote inhospitable land.
Victims of the headquarters of those who enjoy "victory"
Among laughter, bubbles and cigars.
For them
My deepest contempt.
But what is a zero
If no more than a empty digit?
Thousands of human skeletons
Forgotten by the world
Crying out in tears
For help.
But being blind, deaf and dumb
We do not see them, hear or perhaps realize.
Warriors of endless struggle,
Of an unjust war and without cause
Whose melody of life is nothing but a huge military arsenal
Made by major industries
That feed themselves
With human blood.
Fueling their coffers,
Inflating their egos
And giving them power.
Stupid power!
That destroys races
Cultures and lives.
But keeps the standard
Of luxury and excesses in its highest level.
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