quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

Blissful moments spent with you

A magia de teu toque amaciou minhas mãos com a mais doce das ternuras. O arrepio contorceu cada célula de meu corpo, que sob a brisa calorosa de seu hálito, em meu pescoço emergiu. Como descrever um momento que a memória jamais esquecerá?
A saudável lembrança que guardo de ti e de nossos momentos, selará essa linda amizade. Ao teu lado, sinto-me feliz e protegida, como jamais sentira antes. Tens no esplendor de teus atos, a glória de tua natureza. E nela, quero inspirar-me.

Quero ser tua e de mais ninguém. Quero ao teu lado acordar e gravar em minha retina teu sorriso. O que virá não sei, mas a alegria do pouco, porém intenso momento desfrutado em teus braços acalma-me a alma, trazendo paz. Essa última possível somente com ti, que encontrei no meio da multidão tola de mascarados.

Tens o dom de saber tratar uma mulher, não ser falso e respeitá-la. Não és como os outros que se diferem apenas nas nuances físicas, mas que agem sob o mesmo script de retribuir o amor recebido com desprezo, abandono e humilhação.

Me perco em ti, e me acho. A simplicidade nos atos, palavras e pensamentos tornam teu dócil manto,um escudo para as tormentas externas que parecem não afetar-te.

All the beauty of life is made of light and shadow

I will not shoot myself, neither hang myself. I will go on living.

Violent emotions guide me. Through the passion of misery, I lay my disgrace on your bed and breathe the scarce air of solitude. Gazing at you, I find myself lost, don’t know where yet I am…the only thing I know is how an incessant growing pang at my heart feed my soul and rest my eyes. I will fast at wanting things or love from someone that doesn’t deserve it.

Once the sun has roused, now it is gone and never appeared in my life again. The dawn covers me in the shadow of emptiness. Anguish draws the lines of my body covered in worms.

How anxious is to live in a world so loathsome!

I rest my soul that reflects your existence. I shall pass through your thoughts like a briefly experience, and, like always, be forgotten. Though I forbid myself to believe in love, I plainly do and dream about it. Pity soul with a wounded heart follows the track leading to a point yet unknown. I will dull my veins of grace, the grace just to be alive and be able to live in this world.

In the swamp of empty feelings I drown myself into a dreadful scenario that paints my life in black and white. I feel scared of death, because of the love absence; otherwise, I would feel immortal.

I’m sick of being alone. I wanna deliver my body toyour softly hands How long am I suppose to wait and keep living such a miserable life? Dewy nights cover my face with hope, I wanna hear your whisper in my ear and fulfill my lungs with your love.

I can feel all this monstrous love for you growing from the deepest depth of my soul…but somehow I´ve became blind and it seems impossible for me to find out who are you. Do I even know you? Where the fuck are you? Why this feverous intensity to desire you so much insists if I barely know who are you?  

The one that bruise oneself on a sore place, makes it hurt even more. Through the rush of blood, I drain my scarce bag of bones in your soul and inhaled it. You ought to know how much pain you caused me.